Thursday, 14 August 2014

Nordstrom - Luke Bott

Fresh From The Dairy: Retro | Design Milk


: Trajal Harrell: In one step are a thousand animals

Trajal Harrell. Used, Abused, and Hung Out to Dry. 2013. © 2014 The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Photo by Yi-Chun Wu

September 4–5, 2014

Fuck Me Like The Whore I Am


Life on Sundays

W E L L ※ F E D

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Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

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All Things Beautiful:

The Brute and the Groot by HartmanArts


Shameless selfpromotion cards on the Behance Network

+ VARIOUS WORKS 2 + on the Behance Network

: James Lee Byars

James Lee Byars. The Perfect Kiss. 1975. Performance view, MATRIX 4, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, March 1–31, 1978. Image courtesy University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive

August 17–September 7, 2014

Mr. Bad on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart. | a place to mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone

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Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Computer Arts / Start Your Own Studio on the Behance Network

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We are GROOT by Kate-FoX

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And ideas are bulletproof...

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July 9, 2008 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!