Saturday 18 August 2012

Drop Anchors

but does it float

Songbird | Tang Yau Hoong


I drew you a Splash of Coffee | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Deus Customs

we love typography. a place to bookmark and savour quality type-related images and quotes

Geotica - a [free] font from exljbris Font Foundry

I need a guide: dmitry kochanovich

I need a guide: dmitry kochanovich

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but does it float

but does it float

To read a poem is to hear it with our eyes; to hear it is to see it... - but does it float

but does it float

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe


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xavier antin / Les Trois Morts: l’auteur, le livre, l’éditeur

Daily Drop Cap

Work: Habitatge_Catalogue | Astrid Stavro

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The New Graphic —

by Valentina Contreras

Henry + Co | Lovely Stationery

Geometry Daily

A bunch of stuff made by Ivan Rodero

Fly me to the moon A4 by xiaobaosg on Etsy


Elf Elf – today and tomorrow

Your Mercury Ocean - today and tomorrow

Friday 17 August 2012

Massive Diet Coke - Brand New

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe

Design Work Life » Fuzzco: Ruell and Ray Denim Identity

Mock Up : Mads Freund Brunse

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» Changethethought™

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Black Paper 37

The Black Paper 37 was designed by Russian designer Vadim Kibardin. The chair is made of 37 layers of paper and 20 details of gofer cardboard.

Wake-Up Mug

The Wake-Up Coffee mugs have droopy eyes when the cup is room temperature. But as soon as you pour your hot coffee into the mug using heat sensitive ink the mug responds and the eyes open wide.

COSTS: $12

2002 Rolling Stone Covers : Photos : Rolling Stone

Bat Signal Spray Paint String Art

The Bat Signal spray paint string art was created by Tumblr user perspicere2012.